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Smiths Detection - bringing technology to life

Aviation Focus
September 2017

Take Your Checkpoint Security To The Next Level

EDS at the checkpoint. Check.

You need complex cabin baggage analysis in real-time to keep checkpoints flowing smoothly. Meet the latest EU security standards with our new ECAC EDS Cabin Baggage approved checkpoint scanners and software packages. Read More




Better screening management, faster, safer checkpoints

Learn how Checkpoint.Evoplus screening management platform can help you increase passenger throughput, optimise resources and reduce costs, while raising security levels across your checkpoint lanes. See The Difference




Checkpoint lane innovations help everyone go with the flow

Find out how automatic diversion and automatic tray return can help you improve performance and deliver a better passenger experience in Expediency + Automation part two. Get The Details




Spotlight on CT Technology at Inter Airport Europe 2017

If you are planning on attending in Munich October 10-13, stop by Stand 410 in Hall A6. We’ll be launching our latest innovations while showcasing the power of Computed Tomography (CT) technology. Experience a hands-on demo of the powerful HI-SCAN 6040 CTiX checkpoint scanner and explore the latest in predictive service analytics for all your detection solutions. Learn More




New design. Fresh insights.

We’re excited to announce the launch of our new monthly newsletter, Aviation Focus. Each month, we’ll bring you the latest updates and information from Smiths Detection in this convenient new format. Our goal: feature the insights and product updates that matter most to you and your business.